Disciplined Dissent

Strategies of Non-Confrontational Protest in Europe from the Twelfth to the Early Sixteenth Century

edited by Fabrizio Titone
Collana: Viella Historical Research, 4
Pubblicazione: Ottobre 2016
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pp. 258, 15,5x23, hardback
ISBN: 9788867287239
€ 49,00 -5% € 46,55
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Inspired by current debates around political confrontation and the exercise of power, Fabrizio Titone offers an interpretation based on the concept of disciplined dissent. This interpretation is centred on the notion of diffused power and is designed to transcend the binary distinction consensus/resistance. The aim is to identify the conservative process involved in mounting a critique, a protest, through which those who object may have intercepted and then deployed on their own account the cultural repertoire of those in a position of authority. This was with a view to obtaining a hearing, or even influencing the activities of the government and decentering the exercise of power. The essays collected here take as their theoretical point of departure the concept of disciplined dissent. In order to ascertain how adaptable the latter is, the decision was taken to include studies relating to wholly distinct political contexts. Contributions by scholars from different backgrounds shed light upon different circumstances prevailing in continental and non-continental medieval Europe. The aim is to offer a broad spectrum of analyses on political confrontation, the formulation of critiques and the attainment of spaces for participation by means of non-violent protest.

  • Fabrizio Titone, Introduction. The Concept of Disciplined Dissent and its Deployment: A Methodology
  • Barbara H. Rosenwein, Poetic Dissent: The Troubadours at Toulouse
  • Christina Lutter, Negotiated Consent: Power Policy and the Integration of Regional Elites in Late Thirteenth-Century Austria
  • María Asenjo-González, Political Dissent in Towns and Cities in Castile and León, Expressed through Complaints and Petitions to the Crown (Thirteenth-Fourteenth Centuries)
  • Peter Coss, Disciplined Dissent in Fourteenth-Century England
  • Alma Poloni, The Political Mobilisation of Wage Labourers and Artisans in Siena, Florence, Lucca and Perugia in the Second Half of the Fourteenth Century
  • Fabrizio Titone, The Right to Consent and Disciplined Dissent: Betrothals and Marriages in the Diocese of Catania in the Later Medieval Period
  • Jeff Fynn-Paul, Three Stages of Disciplined Dissent at Manresa in the Later Medieval Period
  • Ángela Muñoz Fernández, Iberian Women in Religion and Policies of Discipline Dissent in the Archbishopric of Toledo in the Fifteenth to Early Sixteenth Centuries: The Heaven of Juana de la Cruz
  • John Watts, Some Concluding Thoughts
  • Bibliography
  • Index
  • Contributors
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