Pierre Bonneaud

Pierre Bonneaud studied medieval history at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris. He researches the military orders in the Crown of Aragon and the Hospitallers of Rhodes in the late Middle Ages. His publications include Le prieuré de Catalogne, le couvent de Rhodes et la couronne d’Aragon, 1415-1447 (2004), Els Hospitallers catalans a la fí de l’Edat mitjana, L’Orde de l’Hospital a Catalñunya i a la Mediterrània, 1396-1472 (2008) and several articles.

1 libri in elenco
  • Diasporic Groups and Identities in the Eastern Mediterranean (1100-1800)
    edited by Georg Christ, Franz-Julius Morche, Roberto Zaugg, Wolfgang Kaiser, Stefan Burkhardt, Alexander D. Beihammer
    2015, pp. 821
    € 95,00 -5% € 90,25