Vanina Kopp

Head of a research group at the German Historical Institute in Paris investigating games and competitions within medieval society, Kopp’s own research focuses on literary games at the French court during the Middle Ages, on which she has published “Stadt, Land, Hof. Spiele und Wettkämpfe in der mittelalterlichen Soziabilität”, in Mitteilungen der Residenzen-Kommission (2015, pp. 17-30; “Stadt und Hof”, 4). In 2013, she obtained a joint doctoral degree (cotutelle) from the Universities of Bielefeld (Germany) and the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (France), her dissertation has been published in the monographic study Der König und die Bücher. Sammlung, Nutzung und Funktion der königlichen Bibliothek am spätmittelalterlichen Hof in Frankreich (Thorbecke, Ostfildern 2016).

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