Arianna Arisi Rota

Arianna Arisi Rota (PhD) is Full Professor of Contemporary History in the Department of Political and Social Sciences at Pavia University, where she teaches courses on 19th-century history and the history of diplomacy. Her research falls along two main axes: the history of diplomatic machinery and the history of politicisation in 19th-century Europe, with special attention to generational mobilisation and to memory-building. She is the author of I piccoli cospiratori. Politica ed emozioni nei primi mazziniani (il Mulino, 2010); 1869: il Risorgimento alla deriva. Affari e politica nel caso Lobbia (il Mulino, 2015); and Risorgimento. Un viaggio politico e sentimentale (il Mulino, 2019), among other works.

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