Cécile Treffort

Cécile Treffort is full professor of Medieval History at the University of Poitiers. Her research mainly concerns epigraphic culture, funeral rites, and monastic life in the Middle Ages, as well as Aquitaine in the High Middle Ages. She is a member of the Institut universitaire de France (since 2021) with a project on Carolingian epigraphic poems between the 8th and 10th centuries. She is the author of Mémoires carolingiennes. L’épitaphe entre célébration mémorielle, genre littéraire et manifeste politique (milieu VIIIe - début XIe siècle), Rennes 2007, and Épitaphes carolingiennes du Centre-Ouest (milieu VIIIe - fin du Xe siècle), Paris 2020.

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