Beyond the Wall

Franciscan Friary in Early Modern Olomouc

Martin Elbel
Collana: Viella Historical Research, 14
Pubblicazione: Ottobre 2019
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pp. 194, 15,5x23 cm, hardback
ISBN: 9788833132570
€ 39,00 -5% € 37,05
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The wall separating the cloister from the surrounding world is one of the most distinctive features of a monastery: it marks out the community of monks or friars and defines the very essence of a cloister. However, this wall was never completely impenetrable. Those inside interacted with those outside – in churches, in towns and villages, or even in the cloisters. It is this permeability of the cloister wall what constitutes the central motif of this book. Using the example of the Franciscan Friary of St Bernardino in Olomouc (nowadays in the Czech Republic) it analyses the interaction of the friars and the urban community. It focuses on the 17th and 18th centuries when, following the suppression of non-Catholic confessions, Roman Catholicism became the only official religion and the city became one of major ecclesiastical centres in the Habsburg Lands. The Franciscans significantly contributed to the formation of the new Catholic confessional culture in the city, yet they were just one of the many agents. They were forced to constantly re-negotiate their position and to compete with other religious institutions. The mendicant character of the order eventually proved to be their main advantage. Although the life in strict poverty brought many complications, it also greatly enhanced the prestige of the friars. Simultaneously, it motivated them to search for new and efficient ways to address the people. Begging for alms thus became one of the main forms of interaction between the friary and the local community, allowing the mendicants to extend their reach significantly, to emphasise their uniqueness and importance, and to patiently build their own network of ties to the local population. The story of the friary of St Bernardino in Olomouc demonstrates that early modern Roman Catholicism was not built unilaterally, from the top down, but was instead the result of synergy and even conflicts between many actors.

  • Introduction
  • 1. Divided City
    • 1. Swedish invasion
    • 2. Confessional disputes
    • 3. Conspiracy
  • 2. Renewal
    • 1. Capistrano’s legacy
    • 2. Returns
    • 3. Moulding the tradition
  • 3. Poverty
    • 1. Marriage to Lady Poverty
    • 2. Reform in the times of the Reformation
    • 3. Alms
  • 4. Patrons and Clients
    • 1. Material and spiritual gifts
    • 2. Spiritual friends
    • 3. Tertiaries: Franciscan exclusivity and its export
  • 5. Arbiters of the Sacred
    • 1. Sacred space
    • 2. Balance of power
    • 3. Pietas Franciscana
  • 6. House No. 578
    • 1. Filiation
    • 2. Reduction
    • 3. Dissolution
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography
    • 1. Archival sources
    • 2. Printed sources and editions
    • 3. Literature
  • Index of names and places

Cover illustration: Francis Lawrence Korompay-circle, The community of the Olomouc Franciscans paying homage to Cardinal Troyer, Bishop of Olomouc, during his inauguration entry in 1747, 1783 (?). Archbishopric of Olomouc, AMK, KE 2988, O 410, today in the exhibition of the Archdiocesan Museum in Olomouc. Photo: Zdeněk Sodoma.

Martin Elbel

Martin Elbel is a senior lecturer at Palacký University in Olomouc where he teaches the cultural and religious history of early modern Europe. His research has focused on the activities of the Franciscans in the Bohemian lands, their communication strategies, cult of saints, pilgrimage practice, and visual culture. 

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