Critica del testo. XXIII / 2, 2020.

Testata: Critica del testo • Anno di pubblicazione: 2020
Edizione cartacea
pp. 164, ISBN: 9788833137292
€ 22,00 -5% € 20,90
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Frammenti di moralità: tracce della fortuna italiana di Enanchet e Livre de Moralitez nell’Archivio Storico di Lodi
Davide Battagliola

The author focuses on the fragmentary ms., discovered by Giuseppe Mascher- pa in the Archivio Storico di Lodi, preserving a version of the Enanchet and the Livre de Moralitez. The ms. is described, its position in the stemma codicum discussed, and a diplomatic edition of the fragments provided. The Lodi fragments, written by an Italian hand, appear to share common linguistic and ecdotic features with the codex Zagreb MR 92, compiled in Northern Italy; affinities which are confirmed by a comparison with various versions of the Libro di Costumanza, the Italian translation of the treatise. Moreover, this seems to confirm the hypothesis that the Enanchet may have a Franco-Italian origin.

Keywords: Moral literature, Franco-Italian literature, Medieval vernacular translations

Appunti sulla fortuna di I’ mi son pargoletta bella e nova nelle laude del ms. Riccardiano 2871
Thomas Persico

The lauda Ancella preçïosa di Dio padre (ms. Riccardiano 2871) is the only case of an architextual quotation of Dante’s works in the whole cantasi come repertoire. The adoption of the original strophic architecture of the ballata I’ mi son pargoletta bella e nova shows how imitative procedure (in this case almost a contrafactum) works in relation to the structure of musical intonation. Moreover, the author recognises a wide range of imitative phenomena also in other laude contained in the manuscript, including those related to the famous Petrarchan madrigal Non al suo amante più Dïana piacque.

Keywords: lauda, architextuality, ballata

Per la biblioteca troiana di Giovanni Boccaccio: il caso delle Rime
Virginia Machera

Even though the recent critical edition of Boccaccio’s Rime edited by Roberto Leporatti has solved many problems relating to the edition of the texts, the dating of the corpus remains an open problem. By focussing on sonnets XLIII and XXII, the essay aims to show how the study of their “Trojan” sources may contribute valuable information about Boccaccio’s dealings with Leonzio Pilato and his own strategic role for the circulation of material relating to Troy.

Keywords: Trojan subject, Boccaccio, rhymes

La última fada di Emilia Pardo Bazán: tempi, attese e spazi
Filippo Conte

The article studies time and space in Emilia Pardo Bazán’s novel La última fada, an early 20th century narration about the son of Tristan and Isolde. The plot is taken from the Arthurian novel, but narrative sequences are arranged differently and the story is much more linear. The boundaries between our world and the afterlife have disappeared; time is not subject to distortions and a circular space corresponds to the linear time of the protagonist’s adventure, which begins and ends in the same place.

Keywords: medievalism, chronotope, waiting