Critica del testo. XXIII / 3, 2020. Lo statuto metodologico di una filologia della contemporaneità

Testata: Critica del testo • Anno di pubblicazione: 2020
Edizione cartacea
pp. 372, ISBN: 9788833137315
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Paolo Maninchedda

Lo statuto metodologico di una filologia della contemporaneità
Paolo Maninchedda

The article aims to restore the link between philology and hermeneutics and give a brief overview of the reasons for its interruption. It is argued that any text has philological accessibility, with no chronological, stylistic or thematic limits. A hypothetical set of methodological norms for contemporary philology is proposed with four steps: inventio auctoris, origo textus, expositio textus, relatio textus.

Keywords: Hermeneutics and philology, Accessus ad auctores, Accessus ad textus

La filologia nel vortice della contemporaneità
Roberto Antonelli

The article traces some salient moments in the relationship between philological activity and its historical contexts, focusing on dialectical issues such as the power and freedom of knowledge and knowing, historicity of the true-false relationship, rights of the individual and strength of the masses, political and cultural value of the activities of interpretation and communication. The implementation of this legacy today comes about in an unprecedented and unexpected context: the global century and the temporal short circuit, a globalised space and the meaning of Europe therein, a single time with many spaces and many times, the truth understood as “consensus” right up to the Fake news degeneration. This raises several questions: Who is interested in Philology today? Who cares about “truth”? Or better what “Truth”? How does the relationship between philology, European identity and literature unfold today? What value and meaning do critical editions have today? What is the relationship between Author and Reader and between which Author and which Reader?

Keywords: Tradition, Crisis, Europe, Weltphilologie

La “pienezza del tempo” nella filologia della contemporaneità. Sette tesi su ricerca e formazione oggi
Antonio Pioletti

The article takes the form of an expository essay in order to provide a summary of the various reflections that emerged in recent years and to try and throw some light on the possible answers to the issues advanced in the preamble to this Conference. Brevitas and essential bibliographic references. The seven hypotheses regard: critique of the political-cultural paradigm that currently governs the pur- poses and evaluation of research; the subject of philological study; the search for truth as the foundation of civil life; professionalisation based on critical knowledge; philology as a deconstruction of stereotypes and as a non-conformist critical vec- tor; the study of languages and literatures within the spatio-temporal dynamics of cultural systems and a permanent relationship with the world of education based on the theoretical and methodological study of subject contents.

Keywords: Philology, Research, Education

Filologia e contenuto degli enunciati
Luciano Formisano

In the fake news era, philology is increasingly called forth as the only tool capable of restoring truth to the news. In this sense, perhaps for the first time ever, philology acquires an essential function for civil coexistence itself. We would all agree that the correct re-establishment of the news process, and therefore of its relative chronology, can tell us much about its reliability; likewise, linguistic competence, essential for doing philology, can be decisive in resolving matters that have to do with forgery or plagiarism. That said, it is worthwhile sowing some seeds of doubt when one passes from ascertaining the textual truth (including the “truth” of a forgery) to the truth of utterances: such a change of perspective obviously does not regard literary texts but is crucial for those with a high degree of referentiality.

Keywords: Statement, Referent, Verification

Filologia e sistema formativo nella contemporaneità
Giuseppe Noto

The article reflects on the role of philological disciplines in the initial training of secondary schoolteachers and on how the lack of any proper philological teaching for future schoolteachers (because lack is often the appropriate term) could seriously compromise the ability of the Italian training system to cope with several educational emergencies which, if left unaddressed, risk becoming real democratic emergencies.

Keywords: Romance philology, Teacher training, School education system

“Declararsi” o perire. Appunti per una filologia della contemporaneità
Stefano Rapisarda

Starting from the German beginnings of the professionalisation of the discipline and passing through the awareness of the need for institutionalisation that looms over disciplinary knowledge in the West, it is argued that philology today should clearly redefine new aims, objectives and study programmes, the canon of knowledge to be shared by practitioners and research topics, as well as deciding on a name that clearly identifies it. It will have to decide what the modern-day Lorenzo Valla should know and be able to do. Renaming could be a new beginning, a new refinement of ideas and should pass through a new institutionalisation. Thus “contemporary philology” should have to become institutionalised or it will die out. In short, “institutionlise” or perish.

Keywords: Friedrich August Wolf, Verification / falsification / post-truth, Institutionalisation

Filologia come spazio del lógos
Riccardo Viel

Starting from the relationship between philology and philosophy, the article reflects on the creative force of poetic language and the need for unity among the humanities, recovering the sense of a common path and dialogue with the “hard sciences”. What does philology have to say about the dialectic between determinism and indeter- minism, and thus about the dialogical contrast between the concepts of identity / limit, freedom / destiny and possibility / causality in the crisis of modern thought?

Keywords: Philology, Philosophy, Poetry

Il ruolo delle “emozioni” nella formazione del filologo
Arianna Punzi

The proposed reflection concerns the role played by “emotions” in university teaching. In particular, the article wishes to underline the strategic role of emotions not only in the teacher / learner relationship, but also as a precious opportunity to work on the texts and the language that conveys them, bringing out their historicity. Finally, work on the lexicon of emotions is also an opportunity to give voice to the complexity of one’s inner world.

Keywords: Philology, Education, Emotions

Oltre la filologia e la critica del particolare e dell’universale
Massimo Bonafin

It can be said that there have long been, and still are, two conflicting perspectives in philology and literary criticism that reflect the two worldviews of the “particularists” and the “universalists”. The former favour a closer gaze, grounding the texts in their immediate chronology and geography, insisting on relationships with the neighbouring context; the latter, on the other hand, adopt a long gaze, projecting the texts onto endless horizons, tracing themes, motifs, figures, and models that are found in several texts and which are virtually universal, appearing at every latitude, in all ages, in different authors and in distant cultures and societies.

Keywords: Philology, Comparison, Universal-particular

Etica e estetica medievale vs. contemporaneità: tentativi di dialogo
Patrizia Serra

Outside the academic context, contemporaneity offers a reading of the Middle Ages – notwithstanding the limits of a nostalgic and dreamlike transfiguration of the era – which nevertheless highlights the fundamental and persistent value attributed to the core of ethical and medieval aesthetics. The philologist’s task is thus to identify a path that, starting from the concrete individual and historical realization of these instances – as depicted in the texts –, allows the link between the two eras to be reestablished, drawing from the past what is needed for the present.

Keywords: Philology, Ethical / aesthetic reflection, Representation of the Middle Ages

Medioevo e contemporaneità. Metodo/metodi, consapevolezza e coscienza del filologo
Maurizio Virdis

Philology should be considered as an art, more than a science. However, this does not in any way diminish its value which, along with meaning, is actually increased. An art that requires a vast and diversified scientific contribution. A philology that is true to itself cannot be reduced to the mere praxis of the critical edition (still the prerogative and duty of the philologist however), but must open itself to interpretation, in a dialectical and collaborative relationship with, for example, literary theory or anthropology. So that it becomes mankind’s modern-day and critically accountable mental habitus.

Keywords: Interpretation, Textual Criticism, Link Philology-Theory-Textuality

Quali sono i testi “propri” della filologia?
Gaetano Lalomia

Are we right in thinking that “proper” philological texts are only written and / or oral ones? In actual fact, culture is also received through sight. And so, we must ask ourselves whether philology’s horizon should be broadened to also encompass what is visual. Such an approach makes it possible not only to reconstruct receptive strands of stories and texts, but even to discover that images define texts, help to interpret them and are more than just a mere translation of words.

Keywords: Medieval visual studies, Images, Visual philology

Oltre Auerbach: la questione del Soggetto nella critica della contemporaneità
Maria Serena Sapegno

Auerbach’s reflection crosses the second half of the twentieth century and the storms over the subject’s crisis and death because of the originality of his “hermeneutic and self-aware historicism”: the subject looks to the past with the questions of the present. Said makes explicit reference to it in the analysis of the relationship between the Subject and the Other. In the same epistemological space moves the feminist reflection on the subject, between difference and universalism.

Keywords: Contemporary subject, Critical theory

L’eroe medievale nel romanzo modernista: permanenze, discontinuità e nuovi respiri
Sara De Simone

Between 1927 and 1931 Virginia Woolf published two successful works – Orlando and The Waves – whose leading characters recall the two greatest heroes of the epic-chivalric tradition, in both name and essential features. Orlando and Percival enter the scene of the modern novel, one in the act of slicing at the head of a Moor, the other walking solemnly like “a medieval leader”. Bearing in mind the historical-cultural context of the early 20th century, and the renewed interest in the Grail tradition, the article will focus on the second case in particular, reflecting on the role of the medieval model in the construction of the contemporary hero.

Keywords: Medieval, Hero, Modernism

Scrittura oratoria ed educazione alla complessità in Martinazzoli politico e saggista. Un esercizio di filologia della contemporaneità
Roberto Tagliani

The publication of Mino Martinazzoli’s (1931-2011) speeches in parliament and to the Lombard Regional Council have rekindled interest in his book production. His sensitivity as an intellectual allowed him at times to propose critical readings of literary texts, mostly connected to the theme of complexity, a topic of which he was particularly fond. Many of these writings, just like his speeches, were published starting from transcriptions of recordings: a fact that gives rise to numerous philological curiosities.

Keywords: Politics, Oratorical style, Textual critics

Fare filologia “per legge”. Quando manipolare l’informazione in rete diventa reato
Giulia Murgia

The article starts from recent rulings that aim to stem the phenomenon of the manipulation of information circulating on the Net. A comparative and European approach is used to consider the attempts to provide a legal interpretation of the forms and characteristics of digital textuality. The reflection which regards the field of law calls upon the skills of philologists as it focuses on the new models of cultural and indeed political management of knowledge, memories and texts.

Keywords: Manipulation of information, Digital textuality, Law of the media

La contemporaneità: Babele o continuum linguistico?
Antonella Negri

Romance linguistics makes use of intercomprehension in order to analyse “Pan-romance vocabulary” with its loanwords from both national languages and dialects or minority languages. The analysis can however also be extended to the frontiers of the “common European vocabulary” (SAE) which groups the languages of the so-called “Charlemagne area”. The history of Europe and its colonial offshoots can be recognised in this oscillation between diversification and linguistic continuum.

Keywords: Pan-romance lexicon, Common European lexicon, Romance linguistics

Ancora su oralità e scrittura. Prospettive sulla circolazione digitale dei testi
Claudio Lagomarsini

While Digital Philology is now a well-established specialisation within the Digital Humanities, progress in the “Philology of Digital Texts” (also including texts processed and / or transmitted on the web) has to date been rather slow off the mark. This article re-examines a classic issue in Philology, namely that of the relationship between orality and writing, which will be described taking into account the peculiar relationship between audio documents and their digital transcriptions. In this regard, the analysis will focus on the one hand, on contemporary music texts transcribed by anonymous users on specialised sites, on the other, on examples of the automatically generated texts that accompany some oral texts circulating on the internet.

Keywords: Digital Humanities, Internet Studies

Testi multimodali, intermediali, interattivi: alcune osservazioni sulla multidimensionalità del testo (letterario) contemporaneo
Simone Ciccolone

The article comments on some liminal forms of contemporary (literary) texts (sound poetry, ergodic literature, interactive narration), in order to highlight some structural aspects of text multidimensionality (multimodality, interactivity and intermediality), and show that they are omnipresent not only in creative use, but in multiple forms of communication.

Keywords: Multimodality, Ergodic literature, Interactive fiction