Storica. 76 • anno XXVI, 2020.

Testata: Storica • Anno di pubblicazione: 2020
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pp. 210, ISBN: 9788833137889
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Diritto e colonialismo tedesco in Cina: una storia europea
Luigi Nuzzo

The thematic horizon of this article is the colonial expansion of Western powers in China in the nineteenth and the twentieth centuries. The focus is on the legal strategies deployed by Germany when it occupied the bay of Jiaozhou and obtained a settlement in Tianjin. This episode illuminates Western strategies of colonial governance and the role played by legal discourse in the process of production of a new social space. At the same time, taking a closer look to the history of international law and to the relationship between law and violence, this article aims to reveal the darker (and hidden) side of modern international law. The «strange» legal tools that allow Germany to transform Jiaozhou in a colony and inaugurate a settlement in Tianjin are an extraordinary point of observation for reading the theoretical discussions of European jurists on the exceptional nature of non-Western spaces and their populations and analyzing the changes undergone by the concept of sovereignty beyond Western borders.

Keywords: International Law; German Colonialism; Tianjin; Jiaozhou.

Nihil (in)certius morte. A proposito di una percezione incerta della morte in età moderna
Ottavia Niccoli

This article examines the long theological and homiletic tradition that challenged the idea of certainty of death, and hypothesized intermediate spaces and times for the soul and for the body. Such intermediate spaces and times presupposed a degree of uncertainty concerning bodily death and the place of the soul separated from the body. These ideas and beliefs about the survival of the dead body after death had at least partially resisted the effort of Christianization, despite the «birth of Purgatory». Among those non-human beings who were believed to be restless, disturbing, dangerous, the most aggressive were those who had died prematurely and violently, such as suicides, warriors fallen in battle, or children who had died without baptism. Ghosts and vampires populated these debates until the mid-eighteenth century, when discussions on the uncertainty of death and on the difficult definition of its status moved from the realm of theological hypotheses and popular beliefs to that of scientific inquiry.

Keywords: Death; Limbo; Baptism; Ghosts.

Per una storia degli alberi e del bosco
Matteo Melchiorre

The success of numerous recent publications regarding trees and woodlands reflects contemporary concerns and shared priorities. In this «mass debate», where different disciplines and ideologies meet, Italian historical research is marginal, despite a rich tradition of scholarship on the history of the environment, agriculture, and human geography. By examining three major studies on trees and woodlands, written by Mauro Agnoletti, HansJörg Küster and Oliver Rackham, this piece suggests a reflection on potential research approaches to the «history of trees», based on the historical method as a structural principle rather than simply as a style of writing. Such research calls for a multidisciplinary approach combining the fields of historical ecology and environmental history; a renewed «history of trees» should start from systematic, in-depth archival work. Only in this way can historians make a constructive, critical contribution to the ongoing debate, which, by focusing on the theme of trees and woodlands, aims to influence, guide, and justify choices concerning the relationship between man and nature.

Keywords: Trees; Woodlands; Historiography; Environmental History.

Metamorfosi occidentali. La deindustrializzazione della città contemporanea
Francesco Bartolini

This article questions the category of the «de-industrializing city» as a useful concept for understanding urbanization in the Western world, from the last decades of the twentieth century to the present. It considers recent works on the de-industrialization of American, British and German cities to reflect on the importance of this topic for historical studies and reformulate interpretations of the «urban crisis» of the 1960’s and 70’s and its long-lasting consequences. New research perspectives emerge from the analysis of public policies and the transformation of landscapes, which are connected to factory dislocation, working-class displacement, and the evolving conceptualisation of the «inner city». A re-evaluation of economic approaches stands out as a promising strategy to better contextualise urban transformations within the «cumulative structural break» that characterised Western industrialised countries at the end of the twentieth century.

Keywords: De-industrialization; Urbanization 1950-90; Inner cities; Post-industrial landscape.

Francesco Bartolini

Francesco Bartolini insegna Storia contemporanea e Storia urbana all’Università di Macerata. I suoi principali interessi di ricerca si concentrano sui rapporti tra trasformazioni territoriali e ideologie politiche nel corso dell’Ottocento e del Novecento. Tra le sue pubblicazioni: Roma borghese. La casa e i ceti medi tra le due guerre, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2001; Rivali d’Italia. Roma e Milano dal Settecento a oggi, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2006; Roma. Dall’Unità a oggi, Carocci, Roma 2008; La Terza Italia. Reinventare la nazione alla fine del Novecento, Carocci, Roma 2015.

Matteo Melchiorre

Matteo Melchiorre è stato ricercatore presso l’Università degli Studi di Udine, l’Università Ca’ Foscari e lo Iuav di Venezia. Dal 2018 è direttore della Biblioteca, del Museo e dell’Archivio Storico di Castelfranco Veneto. Si occupa di storia economica e sociale del tardomedioevo e della prima età moderna, con particolare riferimento ai temi delle minoranze ebraiche e della predicazione, della cronachistica e della guerra, delle istituzioni ecclesiastiche e della storia della montagna e dei boschi. È inoltre dedito alla scrittura letteraria, volta a indagare la montagna, i luoghi marginali e il paesaggio contemporaneo.

Ottavia Niccoli

Ottavia Niccoli ha insegnato Storia moderna presso l’Università di Bologna e l’Università di Trento. I suoi studi si sono incentrati sulla storia sociale, culturale e religiosa della prima età moderna, con particolare riferimento all’uso delle immagini come fonti storiche. Tra le sue più recenti pubblicazioni: Vedere con gli occhi del cuore. Alle origini del potere delle immagini, Laterza 2011; Una rete di amicizie. Carteggi dalla koinonia di Ernesto Buonaiuti (1915-1927), Viella 2015; La vita religiosa nell’Italia moderna. Secoli XV-XVIII, Carocci 20173

Luigi Nuzzo

Luigi Nuzzo insegna Storia del diritto medievale e moderno presso l’Università del Salento. Coordina il dottorato internazionale in Diritti e sostenibilità del Dipartimento di Scienze giuridiche dell’Università del Salento. Si occupa di storia del diritto internazionale, di diritto coloniale e storia della cultura giuridica europea tra Otto e Novecento. Le sue monografie includono: Origini di una scienza. Diritto internazionale e colonialismo nel XIX secolo, Klostermann, Frankfurt am Main 2012; Constructing International Law. The Birth of a Discipline Klostermann, Frankfurt am Main 2012, co-editor; Lawyers, Space and Subjects. Historical Perspectives on the Western Legal Tradition, Pensa edizioni, Lecce 2020; El lenguaje jurídico de la conquista. Estrategias de control en las Indias españolas, Tirant Lo Blanch, Ciudad de México 2021.