Le mouvement des femmes de l’Irak post-Saddam: entre genre, nation et religion. Héritage passé et défis présents

Autore: Zahra Ali
In: Genesis. XII/1, 2013
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The Women’s Movement in post-Saddam Iraq: between Gender, Nation and Religion. Legacy of the Past and Challenges of the Present
This article presents Iraqi Women activism through a socio-historical reading that begins from the formation of the first Iraqi Women Association. It recounts the gender politics of the ba’ath regime since its came to power and the evolution of gender politics and women’s condition from the 1991 events and the imposition of the sanctions. Relying on an ethnography of the post-2003 Iraqi women movement, it presents the reality of women activism in post-Saddam Iraq especially in the context of the drafting of the new Constitution in 2005 and the controversy around the article 41 that deals with the Personal Status Code.