La certezza dell'incertezza : ambivalenze e rimedi

Autori: Nicoletta Bosco, Rocco Sciarrone
In: Meridiana. 55, 2006
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The certainty of uncertainty. Ambivalences and remedies
The article deals with the meanings of uncertainty within a changing world. Since ever people have to face it, but changes affect the different shape of contraints and opportunities that every one experiences. The authors reconstruct the various definitions of risk and uncertainty within the prevailing social sciences approaches. So, instead of assuming a simple view that opposes a sure past to an uncertain present and in order to understand what is changing and how people do perceive the transformations of every day life, we need to look for local configurations of uncertainty, dealing with the varying rhythm of human experiences, the reversibility of choices and the range of perceptions that people experience under different conditions more or less extreme.