Dal Corano al web. La carriera mediatica di Amru Khaled

Autore: Ermete Mariani
In: Meridiana. 52, 2005
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From the Koran to the Web. Amru Khaled career in the Media World
What are the consequences of globalisation on the production of Islamic knowledge in Arabic? Amru Khaled's career, style, communicational strategies and success with audiences are symptoms of the emergence of a new kind of «religious man». Educated in accountancy and marketing more than in religion, the Egyptian television-preacher uses satellite TV, Internet, books, videotapes, dvds, conferences and charity events to attain a wider audience including not just Egytpian Muslims but also non-Arabic speakers and those generally interested in religion. In the article we will analyse in detail his communicational strategy as well as its social and political consequences.