La montagna materana tra persistenze e trasformazioni socioeconomiche. Fattori di sviluppo e programmazione regionale

Autori: Davide Bubbico, Giuseppe Romaniello
In: Meridiana. 53, 2005
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/7Persistence and transformations in the «montagna materana» area. Economic development and regional planning
After a period of rapid economic growth in the second half of the ’90s, the Italian southern Region of Basilicata is now stagnating. The paper focus on the upland areas around Matera (
Montagna Materana), whose marginality bas been exacerbated by the peripheral character of economic development in Basilicata. The Montagna Materana// is characterized by the persistence of old traits and elements of transformation, introduced mainly by local social actors. The paper provides an analysis of the dynamics of local development on the basis of a comparative study of various local planning initiatives, stressing the role of human capital. In this light the authors suggest that a local training agreement (Patto Formativo Locale) should be stipulated.