L'azione agraria dell'Onc in Sicilia nel primo e nel secondo dopoguerra : prospettive di ricerca e primi bilanci

Autore: Francesco Di Bartolo
In: Meridiana. 58, 2007
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The rural action by Opera nazionale combattenti during the first and second postwar period. Research perpectives and initial results
The first aim of the article is to show the results got by Inspector in Sicily of «Opera Nazionale Combattenti» on rural action. Besides, some investigation theses are also put forward. During post-war period, some land reforms took place with the aim of giving land to farmers. Moreover, in Italy, in 1919 some new farming methods and hydraulic reclamations were promoted by the Inspector. Thanks to «Opera Nazionale Combattenti», Sicily gave many opportunities to engineers, agriculturists, experts to try new farming methods. Unfortunately, this was one of the rootcauses of the failure of «Opera Nazionale Combattenti» action, confirmed by Fascism, which reduced the Inspector competence. Last period of post-war, the Institution was built up again without the previous steady technical basis; in fact any change, any action to promote the necessary reclamations was denied.