Dello scandalo

Autore: Alfio Mastropaolo
In: Meridiana. 65-66, 2009
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L’Aquila as a scandal
Recovering after a natural or artificial disaster is always extremely difficult. In the case of an earthquake, the first problem is to provide a suitable shelter for all those whose homes have been seriously damaged and to help all those who lost their work, their revenues, their family and friendship connections. The rebuilding programmes can subsequently start. Post-war Italy has accumulated a very large experience in post-earthquake recovery. Some of them have been successfully managed, in some other cases the recovery process has been managed too slowly, inefficiently and wastefully. Considering all these experiences, and considering the knowhow which has been accumulated, it’s rather difficult to find a reason for what happened in L’Aquila and its surrounding after March 2009 earthquake. The immediate rescue action was extremely efficient, but 18 months later the housing, monuments and workplaces reconstruction hasn’t yet begun. A great part of the inhabitants live in precarious homes, plenty of them still live away from their workplace, while the judiciary is investigating several doubtful operations involving the Civil Protection National Service and well known national politicians and even members of national executive.