Discorsi e pratiche dei femminismi in America Latina: l’esperienza degli Encuentros

Autore: Valeria Ribeiro Corossacz
In: Genesis. IV,2 2005
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Feminist practices and discourses in Latin America: the experience of the Encuentros
The essay explores the history of feminist debates and practices in Latin America over the last 30 years, by focusing on the main issues discussed by the Encuentros feministas latinoamericanos y delCaribe. It argues that the Latin American feminist experience is characterized by a radical critique of what has been defined as “universalist and ethnocentric feminism.” By analyzing several case-studies (such as the stories of indigenous and chicana women in Mexico, the experience of negras women in Brazil, and women’s participation at the Beijing Conference), the essay highlights the ways in which class, “race” and sexuality intersect and influence feminist practices, as well as the interaction between women and feminists.