Una manciata di anni e un triangolo. Pratiche e conoscenza dei femminismi italiani intorno alla precarietà

Autore: Adriana Nannicini
In: Genesis. VII/1-2, 2008
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A Bunch of Years and a Triangle. Italian Feminisms’ Practices and Forms of Knowledge about Precariousness
A new generation of female workers is currently facing the consequences of flexibility, which accompany a postfordist economy: adjustment, suppleness, identification, in exchange for an uncertain promise of stability and betterment. The article examines the ways in which women have started to question their relationship with their jobs, with which they have a closer and less instrumental relationship than in the past, that often becomes difficult to manage. Their subjectivity is slow to emerge and is characterized by new questions and partial answers, by groups that recognize each other and discuss among themselves, using temporary tactics and lacking an overall strategy.