I lavori delle donne nella Treviso del Quattrocento

Autore: Matthieu Scherman
In: Genesis. VII/1-2, 2008
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Women’s Work in Treviso during the 15th Century
In the 15th century, Treviso was part of the Venetian mainland, it was a “dominated city”. The Venetian domination had a direct consequence on the Trevisan population of around 10.000 inhabitants: the payment of direct taxes in order to support, chiefly, its war efforts. A fully shaped and regulated tax systern had been built during the 15th century: the estimo. In seventy years, from 1434 to 1504, nine censuses were carried out and thanks to them one can examine women’s activities. Women’s biografies can be reconstructed, underlying their work identities and patterns. Women occupied lots of occupations. The main question, after introducing women’s position in the field of work, is: are women’s jobs more insecure than men’s?