Boccaccio architetto e artefice di libri: i manoscritti danteschi e petrarcheschi

Autore: Marco Cursi
In: Critica del testo. XVI/3, 2013
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Boccaccio architetto e artefice di libri: i manoscritti danteschi e petrarcheschi
Over all his life Giovanni Boccaccio was a tireless copyist of manuscripts and on many occasions had to solve the question of what was the most suitable form to for copying the works in Latin and in the vernacular left by other two major authors of fourteenth- century literature. This research examines from the point of view of palaeography and codicology the features of the manuscripts containing texts by Dante and Petrarch copied by him (starting with those transcribed in youth and ending with those copied in his old age), with the aim of reconstructing the tecniques of his book creations, its timings and of understanding the symbolic value of the innovative choices for mise-en-page Boccaccio implemented.