Firenze in cerca di un rimedio alla caotica costruzione urbana

Autore: Mauro Baioni
In: Meridiana. 80, 2014
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Florence Metropolitan Area Looking for a Remedy to the Chaotic Urban Growth
The metropolitan area of Florence is, nowadays, at a turning point. The economic crisis makes less tolerable the negative aspects of the governance model and the demand for a radical change of territorial policies is increasing day by day. However, the debate about the new government level established by law (metropolitan city) is not focused on a wide-ranging proposals overall the whole metropolitan area, as it was twenty years ago. In 1990 the Region Tuscany approved - for the first and only time - a comprehensive program for the metropolitan area (Structural scheme Florence -Prato-Pistoia). The schema was based on a wide comprehensive strategy. It focused the attention on the re-organization and rehabilitation of urban areas, containing the chaotic urban growth. Its implementation was mainly based on the cooperation between the Region and local municipalities. To better understand the issues and challenges we are facing now, it is useful to recall the critical aspects of the plan and the limits of its implementation model, during the following years.

Keywords: Urban planning, governance, metropolitan area, Florence, Tuscany