Volti e risvolti della deindustrializzazione. Alcuni interrogativi sulla contemporaneità

Autore: Gabriella Corona
In: Meridiana. 85, 2016
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The introduction aims to highlight the main issues addressed in the articles of this volume of «Meridiana». They have been divided into 4 sections. Every section is characterized by different deindustrialization’s implications and problems in the Western world from the 80s to today. The rst part concerns the transition from the social to the territorial question exempli ed by the case of Longwy in the North- eastern of France. In the second part, the articles treat the way by which important industrialized cities of the North-western Italy such as Milan and Turin, have reacted to the deindustrialization. In the third group the cases of the «precarious industries», such as Piombino and Taranto, respectively in Central and Southern Italy, are analyzed. Finally, in the fourth part, two different paths to restore deindustrialized and abandoned areas such as Bagnoli in the Southern Italy, and the Ruhr in Germany, are examined.

Keywords: Deindustrialization; Social and territorial issue; Environmental implications; Regeneration.