Uomini di strada. Rappresentazioni cosmopolite della violenza maschile nelle strade di Londra, Dacca e Roma

Autore: Piero Vereni
In: Meridiana. 89, 2017
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Drawing on the debate on cosmopolitanism in sociological literature, the article aims at describing strategies of performing Bangaldeshi masculinity in three different historical and cultural contexts, namely East End of London in 1980s, urban Bangladesh in recent times, and the city of Rome in the last twenty years. The analysis points at these cosmopolitan strategies as reactions to multidimensional stigma and specific outcomes of the interaction between an ancient colonial gaze, governmental technologies of States, rhetoric of human rights, globalization of Islam, and neoliberalism. The overall goal of the article is the exposure of «Bangladeshi masculine subjectivity» as a «contextual multifarious structure», deriving from a cosmopolitan intersection, which is not only «strategic» or «tactical», but rests deeply in the fundamentals of identity.

Keywords: Bangladeshi migration; Tactical cosmopolitanism; Masculinity; Street violence.