Il patriottismo risorgimentale nel mondo atlantico, ca. 1790-1870

Autore: Alessandro Bonvini
In: Storica. 71 • anno XXIV, 2018
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The Risorgimento was intertwined with major changes that led the birth of the modern world. From the beginning of the Bonapartist domination in Italy up to the Porta Pia breach, the Italian unification process was strictly connected with contemporary events in the Atlantic space, pushing men, ideas and projects to move between the Old Continent and the New World. In the face of the order established by the Congress of Vienna, Italian patriots represented one of the main threats to the balance of the Restoration. This article focuses, using a longue durée perspective, on the experience of three generations – Napoleonic veterans, liberal and republican exiles, garibaldini volunteers – who carried on the revolutionary struggle (from the pre-unitary states to Italy and abroad), in order to rethink the phenomenon of Risorgimento patriotism in an Atlantic perspective and show its close connections with the global dynamics that marked out the developments of 19th century modernity.

Parole chiave: Risorgimento, Storia atlantica, Patriottismo, Connessioni, Mondo Moderno

Keywords: Risorgimento, Atlantic History, Patriotism, Connections, Modern World