Family Day, movimenti e mobilitazioni anti-gender: un progetto politico neocattolico

Autore: Massimo Prearo
In: Genesis. XVIII/1, 2019
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The article traces the trajectory of the Italian anti-gender movements from the first public demonstrations in the Spring of 2013 to their entry in Parliament after the elections of March 4, 2018. In particular, it will explore the main stages of the movement’s development as an organized and collective reality with the aim of acting in the political field by means of a strategy of “contamination”, as defined by its leader Massimo Gandolfini. The article provides a political analysis with the aim to grasp the overlapping of the movement’s religious background, the strategies of political intervention, and the construction of the anti-gender cause. The advanced hypothesis is that the definition of the struggle against the “gender ideology” as a new Catholic cause has led to the consolidation of a Neo-Catholic project for re-establishing a Catholic political action.