Appunti sulla fortuna di I’ mi son pargoletta bella e nova nelle laude del ms. Riccardiano 2871

Autore: Thomas Persico
In: Critica del testo. XXIII / 2, 2020
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The lauda Ancella preçïosa di Dio padre (ms. Riccardiano 2871) is the only case of an architextual quotation of Dante’s works in the whole cantasi come repertoire. The adoption of the original strophic architecture of the ballata I’ mi son pargoletta bella e nova shows how imitative procedure (in this case almost a contrafactum) works in relation to the structure of musical intonation. Moreover, the author recognises a wide range of imitative phenomena also in other laude contained in the manuscript, including those related to the famous Petrarchan madrigal Non al suo amante più Dïana piacque.

Keywords: lauda, architextuality, ballata