Eolico e professionisti della green economy: il «vento forte» della rivoluzione verde

Autore: Davide Arcidiacono
In: Meridiana. 100, 2021
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The contribution presented aims to develop a brief analysis on green jobs and the implications of the Green Transition on professional markets, not only in terms of socio-economic impact but also for future research on this issue. This argument develops from the analysis and review of the new book Vento Forte. Eolico e professioni della green economy, written by Ivano Scotti, who combines research traditions and diversified sociological approaches (from the sociology of professions to the Actor Network Theory) to the study of wind developers. At the dawn of the long-awaited ecological transition, also announced by the PNRR, the analyzed book provides a useful tool in understanding what is happening (and will happen) within the green revolution, particularly in the professional markets that are developing around the challenge of the energy transition. Furthermore, the reflections that emerge from Scotti’s text intersect other crucial themes and potential crossroads of interdisciplinary analysis: from the internal areas and dualisms of development to the governance of the green transition, up to the relationship between training and work in the green markets.

Keywords: Green jobs; Wind developer; Energy transition; Sustainability; Professions.