«Giacchè io sinchè la vidi non l’amai». Sul progetto elegiaco leopardiano, con edizione degli Argomenti di elegie I-IV (C.L. B. XV 20)

Autore: Miriam Kay
In: Critica del testo. XXIV/1, 2021
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The essay offers a new edition of the Argomenti di Elegie I-IV (C.L. B. XV 20) which connects material and textual elements, and preserves the unique graphic features of the manuscripts, in particular Greek and Hebrew characters. The presence of Hebrew (a hapax in Leopardi’s writings), is discussed in connection with the author’s relationship with the language. Through the analysis of selected passages from the Zibaldone, the essay attempts to shed some light on the link, particularly apparent in the first three Argomenti, between the themes of love, the biblical sublime and the Hebrew language.

Keywords: Elegy, Leopardi, Hebrew