Storia dell’arrivo del colera negli anni Trenta dell’Ottocento. Lo shock e la cesura tra il “prima” e il “dopo”

Autore: Eugenia Tognotti
In: Storicamente. 17 (2021)

Cholera was the first truly global disease, appearing from obscurity to ravage Europe in successive waves. Arriving in the old continent in 1830, it affected entire continents. A traumatic global event, not comparable - in terms of morbidity and mortality - with wars, famines, natural disasters and earthquakes, which also engage a dialectic challenge-response, institutional and political resilience. But in the post-pandemic period, in cities devastated and impoverished by cholera, a typically urban disease, social resilience, rebirth projects and the rationalization of cities, where living conditions had not followed the pace of urban growth driven by industrialization, which had multiplied the possibilities of infection through contaminated water and food, came into play.