L’esperienza “lirica” di Gaspare Ambrogio Visconti: appunti sui Rithimi (e sul Canzoniere per Beatrice d’Este)

Autore: Simone Moro
In: Medioevo milanese. 3
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The essay focuses on Gaspare Ambrogio’s first canzoniere, called Rithimi (1493), and analyses its textual history, its macrotextual structure and its relationship with other models. If Petrarch remains a beloved starting point, Visconti’s writings show contacts with many other authors, both ancient and modern, both Latin and vulgar, both on the microtextual and macrotextual level. A final comparison with the second canzoniere dedicated to Beatrice d’Este (ca. 1495-1496) allows to mark the difference between the two works of the author and specify the general characteristics of his lyrical production.