«Tactus veneno viperae tuae». Istantanee, riflessi e distorsioni. La società milanese nelle opere di Gaspare Ambrogio Visconti

Autore: Edoardo Rossetti
In: Medioevo milanese. 3
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This contribution aims to provide a reading of Milanese society at the end of the fifteenth century, starting from the literary works of the aristocratic poet Gaspare Ambrogio Visconti. In the rereading of Visconti’s poems particular attention is paid to what the poet censors or re-elaborates of family memory and Milanese recent history. In order to achieve this goal, are presented here the partial results of a demanding ongoing research on Visconti’s documentation. The result is a partially unprecedented picture of Milanese society. Completely innovative is the reading of the religious anxieties that cross the city. Milan thus finally enters, together with other Renaissance European capitals, into a general discussion on the ways to reach salvation, which is a prelude to the broader polemics of the sixteenth century.