Nuove forme di dipendenza, dualismo ed esclusione. La finanziarizzazione della città in Medio Oriente e in Nord Africa

Autore: Clara Capelli
In: Meridiana. 103, 2022
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New Forms of Dependency, Dualism and Exclusion: The Financialization of the City in the Middle East and North Africa

Financialization in the Global South represents a further form of subordination to the centers of the advanced capitalism in the Global North. In particular, this phenomenon seems to be deeply intertwined with new patterns of urbanization characterized by high-end, exclusive buildings and infrastructure fuelling patterns of marginalization and exclusion of the population through financial channels that extract value and divert resources that should be used for public services and productive investments. This paper analyzes the financialization of urban projects and infrastructure in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region by applying a non-mainstream economic approach.

Keywords: Financialization; Urbanization; Dependency; Dualism