Mauro Giardiello, Rosa Capobianco, Può la mobilità determinare un cambiamento sociale? Il caso studio dei giovani calabresi

Autori: Mauro Giardiello, Rosa Capobianco
In: Meridiana. 103, 2022
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Can Mobility Bring about Social Change? The Case Study of Young Calabrians

Youth mobility from Southern Italy can represent an example of the complexity of social change. Bourdieu’s theory allows to understand how change originates in young people, modifying or renewing their mental schemes and views on social reality. The innovative aspect of the contribution is to highlight, in the passage from one field to another, the relational process through which habitus, field and cultural capital are modified and change, determining a transformative thrust in the subject. Findings are based on the analysis of 30 in-depth narrative interviews with youth and young adults from Calabria who left their native village/city to move to Northern Italy or to European countries.

Keywords: Young People; Mobility; Social Change; Habitus