Lavoro agile e smart working emergenziale: gemelli diversi

Autore: Anna Fenoglio
In: Meridiana. 104, 2022
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Agile Work and Emergency Smart Work: Different Twins

In the emergency situation due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Government used the regulatory scheme of agile work to ensure the continuation of work activities while safeguarding health protection. However, the tool applied in the emergency phase differs from the one gov- erned by Law No. 81/2017 in very relevant aspects. The essay aims to analyze similarities and differences between the various models of remote work, highlighting in particular, the typical and innovative features of agile work and the differences with smart work in emergency. The article also focuses on the most recent innovations made to address the main issues that have emerged from the experience of the past two years, in view of the gradual return to normality.

Keywords: Smart Work; Agile Work; Working Time; Right to Disconnect